Madame Buttercup


I’ve been working late every night and I think I’m coming down with something.  So in the interest of keeping the blog moving along, I thought I’d post some recent projects that were finished just before this blog started.

Looking around my house it’s pretty easy to see I’m a fan of Adult Swim and adult animated sitcoms.  I love the solid colors and black lines.   Recently, I finally got around to finishing another Roger Smith painting, a scene where he is trying on a new dress and Stan Smith names him Madame Buttercup.   I love the over the top costumes.

This one took over a year to finish… mostly because I took a break from painting to work on other projects.  I’m glad I came back to it and finished it up.


Fun while it lasted

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For the past week or two, I’ve taken over the living room and started repainting all the tables.  They’re 14-year-old Ikea tables and have been dinged around pretty good from moving and general life.  After starting I realized I forgot how slow house paint dries and how horrible it covers anything but walls.   3 or 4 layers of each color on each table with 4 hours of drying time between layers while trying to do it all at night after work means I basically get one layer on a night and spend the rest of the night guarding it against animals while it dries…. so many many days of painting each table.

So far I’ve done the coffee table and an end table but with the weather lately, I haven’t even got a coat of lacquer on them.  I still have another end table to start and I am reconsidering doing the dining room table even after all the convincing I had to do to be allowed to do it.   If you know me, you probably have followed my progress on filling my house with artwork and how my house is slowly turning into a giant cartoon gallery.   So having a 30+-year-old dining room table really stands out amidst the paintings, stained glass, pottery, painted tables, etc.

Unfortunately, this weekend a guest is staying, so I had to clean up the living room and make it presentable.  Well, as presentable as possible considering I have covered all the freshly painted tables like a granny’s house so no one can screw them up until the final clear coats are on them.

The photo of the coffee table above was taken while it was still being painted. There is now a SpongeBob table and I have yet to decide what the other end table will be.  Nothing around this house really matches and there is no theme. I think I’d rather pick characters from other shows to keep the randomness happening.  Any ideas?

I’ll post pictures of them as I get closer to finishing all of them.