I thought I could handle it but the perfectionist in me just couldn’t. In a post a few days ago I said I didn’t care about the mistakes, but then I looked at it again and I started pulling out a few of the rows and tried to re-knit it. Then I realized I kept making more mistakes as I sat and watched my crime shows. I tore the knit up, rewound the skein and started over.

I picked a simple pattern, something I could do while watching my shows and mindlessly knit away. The good thing about a rib stitch is that you can quickly see what stitch you’re supposed to do from the rows below.
I picked a 2×3 rib stitch (2 knits, 3 purls), so it will stretch to more than twice it’s width.

It still has its problems, but those problems are not from me. This particular skein of yarn had a bunch of breaks and was rejoined at the factory. So those inconsistencies are just knots.