My painting has come a long way since the last post. The purpose of this painting was to make something for a friend but, for me, it was to play with mediums and do something different. I fully expected it not to turn out, but right now I’m pretty happy with it. It’s hard to take a photo because the mediums I used were so glossy and everything is shiny but I think you’ll see enough of it even with the light from the window.
The only part left untouched at this point is the mouth. It’s funny, I actually forgot about it until my last photo. Then, I realized there was still a big pink blob in the middle where a mouth was blocked out. Next time I’ll have to remember to take some steps back and take it all in for a bit and not leave out an important part. Right now he’s just running around gumming the city to death like a geriatric monster. Hopefully tonight I’ll throw in some fangs and he’ll be complete.
I ended up trying 3 mediums in this painting. Texture paste, which pretty much covers the entire painting. Airbrush medium, which I pretty much used to wash over the whole thing and darken it. Last, I tried the glazing medium, which I used for highlights and coloring in the monster.

Speaking of highlights, check out how that glazing medium made the reflections of fire actually come out on the billowing smoke and on the buildings. It’s not as impressive in the photo, but in person with the gloss and texture, it’s really like the thing is glowing. I actually shut the lights off to see if it was just a reflection off of something red in the room…. but nope, it was just my amazing glazing.
Hopefully tonight I’ll finish it up and maybe show a before-and-after photo before moving onto the next project.