I finally got to sit down and start building all those pieces of furniture for the café. Most of it went pretty easy. But the display case in the front of the café that holds all the pastries was such a pain. All those little shelves and nothing quite fit together right… then you realize you glued everything on backward and then a cabinet nob is super-glued to your hand…. it was a little nightmare.
I had to rip some stuff a few times, so I think I’m going to end up painting some of the furniture to hide my mistakes. And I got a nice big gluey fingerprint on the front of the glass cabinet (notice now I strategically left that out of the picture). So I’ll have to come up with a way to hide that…. maybe a nice sticker or sale sign or something.
Now my friends have decided I need a little mouse barista. I started searching taxidermy on Etsy and a few other sites… cute stuff but not really matching what I want. Google image search provided some nice hits but nothing that was for sale… just images and art pieces people made. According to Etsy, the going rate for a stuffed mouse is about $80+ … I’m not sure I need a barista mouse that much. At least not for my first model. But, I should figure out something cute to stick in there.