Roger Smith

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I finally printed something for my desk.  Everyone else has little chotskies all over their desks and mine just has paper everywhere. So I browsed the 3D repositories for something I’d like and found Roger Smith from American Dad on thingyverse.

3D Print of Roger the Alien

As soon as John (the guy I 3D scanned) saw it on my desk he took it.  What a jerk!  This is why I can’t have nice things.  And why I shouldn’t bring my 3D prints into the office.

At least I can just print another.

Warm-Up Paintings

backdoor mini paintings
American Dad Mini Paintings


I actually took a commission job.  I’d normally never take one, but this one was requested by a good friend who already knew what he wanted.   Like most of my paintings, I’m just recreating a cartoon for him.   Unfortunately, I can’t show what I’m working on until it’s finished and given as a gift to the person he’s buying it for.


It’s been a hot minute since I finished my last painting.  So, before I started that project, I got back into painting with a mini-series from American Dad.  I had these already primed and they’ve just been sitting around waiting to be painted on.   I like working on these minis, they are quick and easy and I usually accomplish one or two a night.


Hopefully, I can show off the latest painting after Christmas.  I spent a good amount of time last week on it and I’m hoping to have it done this week or maybe next week if I’m lazy.

Madame Buttercup


I’ve been working late every night and I think I’m coming down with something.  So in the interest of keeping the blog moving along, I thought I’d post some recent projects that were finished just before this blog started.

Looking around my house it’s pretty easy to see I’m a fan of Adult Swim and adult animated sitcoms.  I love the solid colors and black lines.   Recently, I finally got around to finishing another Roger Smith painting, a scene where he is trying on a new dress and Stan Smith names him Madame Buttercup.   I love the over the top costumes.

This one took over a year to finish… mostly because I took a break from painting to work on other projects.  I’m glad I came back to it and finished it up.