Last weekend, I found my new table saw. By Friday night I finally got down to the workshop and put it together.
This closet has been a pain since we moved in. It didn’t have shelves and we always just stacked everything inside. Then all those things toppled over and we couldn’t shut the door.
Do you think anyone fixed it? Fast forward about 5 years and it still won’t close and we just keep walking past it every day.
Saturday morning I headed down to the shop and cut some wood for the shelves. Circular style saws scare me. I have used handheld for years and it has scared the bejezus out of me every time I use it. It always kicks back and I drop everything and go running while it’s soaring through the air.
My voice may have jumped a few octaves on some occasions. So far I haven’t cut anything off so I may still have some dignity left.
So I take all the wood I cut upstairs only to find out I cut everything wrong. I realized after remeasuring that I misread the little laser measuring thing. It said 2.0′ and not 20″. Everything was 4″ short. Of course, I only bought exactly how much wood I needed because I don’t make mistakes.
I threw things down and walked away for a bit. Shortly after I told my roommate how I screwed up and he pointed at his old bed he had just finished tearing apart. Glorious sideboards that were only slightly smaller than the boards I bought.
I dragged it down a few flights of stairs to the basement, removed all the metal hardware and started chopping his bed into pieces.

As you can see it all worked out in the end. Is it perfect? Nope.
Do I care? Nope. You can see some of the 4″ short pieces holding up those shelves.
I do have to go back and repaint all the replaced pieces. Only some of them got primed through the whole process. But for now, it is done. I have other shelves around the house to make and a fence to rebuild, so I’ll be back to finish painting this when I’m running around the house painting those things.
I’m just happy the vacuum and mops have a place to be now and they are not just randomly found around the house. Oh, and I’m happy the door shuts now.