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So foxy!

wip nine-tailed fox painting

After all my cleaning I finally got to sit down in my clean painting room and work on a project.  Hopefully, I can keep it clean for some time if I stick to one project at a time and clean up throughout the project instead of just flinging things around while I work.   Ok, I don’t do that, but I do somehow manage to destroy a room throughout a project.

A friend has requested that I paint him a nine-tailed fox from the Naruto anime.   I dug up an image online and decided instead of copying it like I usually do, I’d take the opportunity to try something different… maybe push myself out of the comfort zone a bit.

So here is the fox so far.   It’s far from done, but I really concentrated on texture.  My sky started out more Van Gogh but ended up as just solid color swirls by the time I was done.  I guess I was a little obsessive and didn’t realize I was mixing the color streaks so much…. oops.  I still like it.

After filling in the rest of the painting with textures I plan to play with glazing techniques.  Which I also have not ever done.  Should be interesting, hopefully, I won’t ruin it all.

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